Everybody knows student life can be very expensive. Apart from your tuition fee, your rent, all your bills and the bear in the local pub, you need to spend a lot of modern technologies. Students often need up-to-date devices that would help them in their academic learning, writing and submitting all the upcoming assignments. Even if you are equipped with the last generation gadgets it’s more likely during your time at the Uni some of them to break or to need a replacement.
We have tried to help you find the best deal for electronics that all students need while studying at University. Have a look at our suggestions.
Logitech should be your go-to for computer accessories. You can find here breed range of webcams, gaming headsets, and all things tech and at student-friendly prices. If you already know what you need, you also know where to head. Use Logitech student discount code at the checkout to enjoy 25% off your order.
No matter what you’re studying at the university check out the HP Student Store for the latest tech and exclusive savings of up to 35%.
If you need just a new laptop, you can get up to £300 off for all ThinkPad X series’ laptops at Lenovo. Doesn’t that sound great?!
Everyone knows that gadgets with “Apple” logo are really trendy. Shop at the Apple Store for Education and save up to £270 on a new Mac, and up to £93 on a new iPad. Education pricing is available to current and newly accepted university students!
You should enjoy your Student life without any worries your device is safe.
Protect your computer against online threats with a simple affordable solution, at a price that has been designed just for you! Unlock your Norton student discount with Student Beans ID. Verify your student status to gain access to the Norton Student Discount and save up to 66% off your order. Remember to read the terms and conditions before you apply.
Whether you’re studying a design based subject or just fancy yourself as a bit of a DJ or vlogger, Magix provides the software to help you create your content. With tools allowing you to create video, music, and photo content straight from your UNI bedroom. Now you can get up to 50% student discount at MAGIX with Student Beans iD.
Microsoft has its own Student Store, which includes a decent range of deals and discounts on gadgets. On the software side, the student can get Office 365 for free, which Microsoft emphasizes is not a trial. You need your school email address to claim it. Office 365 includes Word, Excel and all the other Office apps. Read our full guide to getting Microsoft Office.
For all discounts, you should present your student ID or NUS / TOTUM card at the time of purchase.
You can find more interesting discounts when purchasing gadgets with your student card. Check our list:
- Adobe Creative Cloud – 60% off Adobe creative cloud services
- Microsoft Office – 10 % off with UNiDAYS, plus a four-year student subscription to Microsoft Office for £59.99
- Maplin: The electronic goods retailer offers a 5% discount in-store if you’ve got an NUS card
- Through UNiDAYS, you can get a free 16-25 Railcard (as well as 20% off your monthly payments) if you sign up to a Refresh plan
- Spotify: Enjoy streaming all your favourite mixes on the go, for half the regular price – Spotify Premium has 50% off for NUS Extra and UNiDAYS members
- Virgin Mobile: If you’ve got an NUS Extra card, you’re able to get 15% off your total monthly bill
- Vodafone: Students are entitled to a 10% discount on certain monthly plans
Don’t waste your time go get your new gadget straight away!