The Government releases £500m for UK families in need to cover their living costs
A new form of support, called the Household Support Fund, will be made available for vulnerable UK households from October 2021.
£500 million will be given to councils and housing associations, who will then provide small amounts to struggling families for essentials like food, bills and clothing. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will receive up to £79 million of the funding.
It is still not clear how people can apply. The conditions are expected to be announced later this month.
The UK government will also focus on creating jobs and helping people to get back into full-time work, after Covid 19 and the 3 lockdowns in England.
Workers who face redundancy due to the pandemic are suggested to seek Jobseeker's Allowance to support themselves.
Furlough Scheme ends
The scheme which was announced in March 2020 to support struggling workers during the COVID-19 pandemic has officially ended, the UK government has announced.
Despite protests from some industries to continue the scheme, it will no longer exist as of October 1st 2021. This decision was not entirely unexpected, as there are less people on furlough than ever before.
This ground-breaking scheme has reportedly cost around £68 billion to save the UK economy from collapsing. However, 1 million people were still enrolled with the Furlough Scheme and their lives will certainly be impacted.

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